News — renata's blog
From Renata's Blog

My heart. It burns, hurts, hopes, desires, seeks. For something good and right. If what we’re doing here, as people, kids, teens, adults isn’t about story – about adding to, creating a better narrative – then what? I believe it viscerally to be true. Do you? We each are meant to be a significant part of something bigger, better than any of us. But when we strive for excellence, for self, without cause, what? When we make it about what we can get, and not about what we also can give, what? When we doubt our gifts and abilities, what?...
From Renata's Blog

WHY THE STORY BARN... As I write this, I am on a flight returning to CT from a visit to my childhood home in WI. Tomorrow Paula and I will open the doors to The Story Barn (, and I find myself right now, in-flight, in a serendipitous state of mind and place… an awareness of the opportunity before me to pull into my present and future all that I treasure most about my past. More succinctly put, I have an understanding of why The Story Barn has come to be. While home in WI I visited many places I...
Renata's Blog: 3 Ways to Encourage the Story Within Any Child

2. Praise Genuinely, Or Not at All. To be praised for something undeserved begs the question, “Is this all they can find to say about me?”