Free to B. a Blessing Patch Program
What is the Free to B. a Blessing Program?
In a nutshell, it's a patch program created by Frieda B., LLC for American Heritage Girls, based on the book Frieda B. Herself, to guide AHG Troops, families and individuals through the process of:
*Believing and exploring the story God wrote for you (Jer. 291:11);
*Dreaming Big about your story and purpose (Eph. 3:20); and
*Doing for others... using your unique gifts and passions to directly be a blessing, a light, to the world around you (Matt. 5:16).
Free FBAB Printable Resources
In addition to the book and patches, these free guides provide everything you need to custom-create an FBAB event that's just right for you. Click on any image or title below to access a page where you can fully view the resource online and/or print it.
Program Summary. An overview of the FBAB program, a listing of resources, information on the book Frieda B. Herself, information about the FBAB patch, and an introduction to Frieda B. author, Renata Bowers, and the company Frieda B., LLC.
Main Guide. A full scriptural summary of the FBAB program, as well as a host of related discussion guides and activities to carry-out as a Troop, family or individual.
“Just For Leaders” Event Guide. Discussion guides and activities just for AHG Leaders. Because the more fulfilled, fueled, and connected you are as leaders, the better equipped you are to lead and to love.
“Go Light Your World” Event Guide. An event created for AHG’s Birthday and Annual National Day of Service! Use cupcakes and candles to discuss, explore and celebrate how each person’s story is meant to light the world in its own unique way.
“Dream Big and Do” Event Guide. A step-by-step guide for hosting a low-stress, high-participation, purpose-filled FBAB Troop event that starts with Dreaming and ends with Doing.
Free to B. a Blessing Cards. Print, decorate and distribute these cards as part of your chosen service project, letting recipients know your love for service comes from the Biggest Love of all.
* Choose a piece of heavy stock paper – any size, in any color.
"Free to B. Dream Board" Instructions:
* Gather up an 8.5x11" piece of heavy card stock, plus scissors, colored pencils, glue sticks and magazines.
* On one side of your paper, write your name and the date at the top. Beneath that, create 2 columns: one for stuff you’re good at and like; the other for stuff you care about and love.
* Now start filling in the first column. What are you good at/like? Writing, baking, giving hugs, math, biking… There are a gajillion things to be good at; pick the ones you like best.
* Next, fill in the second column. What do you care about/love? Your family, pets, people who are hungry, a lonely neighbor, someone who is sick... Again, only write down what truly fills your heart.
* Now turn your paper over (this will be the front side). Wherever you’d like, write “I’m Free to B. ____.” Fill in that blank with whatever you’d like, to describe who you believe you are free to be.
* Finally, take your time and use your colored pencils as well as clippings from magazines to fill this front side with a visual collage of all the things you wrote in your 2 columns on the back. Do your best to make sure everything from the back is represented on the front.
* You’ve just created a Free to B. Dream Board… to remind you of your own free-to-be story. Laminate it so it lasts a long time.
"Sweet Dreams Pillowcase" Instructions:
* Gather up: a white pillowcase, permanent fabric markers, piece of cardboard.
* Slip the cardboard inside your pillowcase, to prevent markers from seeping through to the other side.
* On one side of the pillowcase, create 2 columns: one for stuff you’re good at and like; the other for stuff you care about and love.
* Now start filling in the first column. What are you good at/like? Writing, baking, giving hugs, math, biking… There are a gajillion things to be good at; pick the ones you like best.
* Next, fill in the second column. What do you care about/love? Your family, pets, people who are hungry, a lonely neighbor, someone who is sick... Again, only write down what truly fills your heart.
* Now turn your pillowcase over. On the bottom, write your name and the date, along with “I’m Free to B. ____.” Fill in that blank with whatever you’d like, to describe who you believe you are free to be.
* Finally, draw a great big cloud. Then fill in the cloud with statements that are true about you and the longings on your heart, based on the things you listed in your two columns. Add a favorite Bible verse or two.
* You've just created a Sweet Dreams Pillowcase! This will serve to help you Dream Big about the story God has written just for you.
More to Explore…

The Frieda B. series has been named Best Picture Book Series by the National Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards. Each book serves as the foundation for each of the Free to B. Patch Programs created for AHG. Frieda B. Herself is the basis of the Free to B. a Blessing Program. Frieda B. Meets Man in the Moon is the book upon which the Free to B. True Program is based. Frieda B. and the Zillabeast is the foundation for the Frieda B. Kindness Ambassador Program. Frieda B. and the Finkledee Ink provides the backdrop for the Free to B. a Leader Program. Frieda B. A Great Day at the Dog Park is the foundational book for the Free to See with My Heart Program. And Frieda B. Knows It's True... You Are Free to Be YOU is the foundation of the Free to B. Resilient Program.
Signed copies of all Frieda B. books are available to your Troop and families via our AHG Group Sales program. Using our Group Sales Form, your Troop and families can order as many copies as you’d like – and Renata will sign each book! And, we’ll ship them at no charge directly to you. We’ll continue to offer this program as long as Renata is able to keep up with demand. Click here for the printable Group Sales Form.
To purchase all Free to B. Program-related items including all of the Frieda B. books – in hard cover and PowerPoint version – as well as all Program Patches and other supporting products, visit our online Frieda B. Store. We’ll gift all orders of $50 or more with free shipping!
Frieda B. Author Renata Bowers created fictional character Frieda B. to encourage children to dream big and believe they, too, are free to be their own one-of-a-kind, very important story. “We each have this incredibly valuable story, like a lightbulb, inside us,” Renata says. “And so many of us either don’t know it’s there, or believe we’re not good enough or have time enough to light it. The truth is, your story is there, always. All you need to do is dream big and flip the switch. God will guide you through the rest.” Renata co-founded Frieda B., LLC with friend Paula LaJoie to create and provide a growing line of books, products and services designed to encourage and inspire the story within. Interested in bringing Renata to your school or event? Learn more here.
Live Zoom Visits with Renata! Renata would love to Zoom with your Leaders and/or Troop as part of a Free to B. event. Would you like a personal book-reading? A presentation/discussion related to a Free to B. program? Q&A session? She’ll tailor the visit entirely to your needs. Zoom visits are scheduled based on availability. Fees are $50 for 30 minutes, and $75 for 45 minutes. For questions or requests, send us an email at or give us a call at 860.763.0330.
Feel Free to Ask or Share! If you have questions about Frieda B. and/or any of the programs we create for AHG, just give us a holler. Also, we’d love your stories, pictures, ideas on how you made these programs your own. Just send us an email at or call us at 860.763.0330. And you’ll find lots of great uplifting and inspiring information on our Frieda B. Facebook page. Consider friending us at